What Is Causing My Lower Back Pain?

What Is Causing My Lower Back Pain?Lower back pain is one of the leading reasons people in the United States visit their doctors. It will inhibit the lives of millions of Americans this year. In fact, an average four out of five adults will experience low back pain at some point in their lives. So the question, "What is causing my lower back pain?" is not uncommon.

Lower back pain can be excruciating. It can be caused by a large variety of injuries or conditions, such as:

* lower back muscles may be strained

* discs between the vertebrae may be injured

* large nerve roots extending to arms and legs may be irritated

* smaller nerves that supply the lower back spine may be irritated

* joints, ligaments, or even bones may be injured

When lower back pain occurs with other symptoms such as fever and chills, a serious medical condition may be present. You should see a doctor immediately.

Three categories of lower back pain

Your lower back pain will fall into one of three categories, which your doctor bases on your description of the pain.

1. Axial lower back pain - mechanical or simple back pain

2. Radicular lower back pain - sciatica

3. Lower back pain with referred pain

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