Lose Thigh Fat - Get Thin Sexy Legs

To lose thigh fat and get thin sexy legs is always a challenge for most women struggling to control their weight. Cellulite just loves attacking the back of our legs and seeing that "cottage cheese" in the mirror is more scary than the worst horror movie. Luckily Asian women have been able to get thin "stick legs" for centuries, and they don't do it through starvation or endless workouts!

Lose Thigh Fat - Get Thin Sexy LegsToday I'm going to give you one of the tricks my Chinese Mother taught my sisters and I years ago to help us lose thigh fat and get slender lean legs, it's something I've used any time I needed to tighten that area up or burn off some stubborn fat.

Before we get into the method I want to again remind you that shortcuts are not something you ever want to fall for when it comes to weight loss. Stay away from the latest diet pills or thoughts of having a surgical procedure to lose weight, they're simply not necessary and possibly very harmful.

Now let's get to today's tip.:)

Use the Wall Method to Tone Thighs

Find a bare, smooth wall and stand facing with your back towards it. Act as if you're going to sit down into a chair, but instead of the chairback press your back and shoulder blades against the wall while your knees and legs are bent at a 45-degree angle. Your feet should be flat and your thighs should be parallel the ground.

This stationary exercise forces the thighs to activate and use the smaller more defined muscle fibers instead of the core bigger muscles that are used when you do a lunge or a squat. This is important because by stimulating the smaller muscles you're actively burning calories while actually helping those fibers stretch and grow longer...meaning your thigh is actually extending a bit and thinning out the more you do it!

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