Low Back Pain - Inner Abdominal Muscle Origins

Low Back Pain - Inner Abdominal Muscle OriginsThis article is written at a level which requires some knowledge of anatomical attachments, ie: origins and insertions of muscles, as well as names of muscles.

Should you wish to know more I invite you to look online for an anatomy atlas or dictionary to assist you with muscles and definitions you do not understand.
You can find one by looking for 'anatomy atlas.org' in any search engine.

I have been developing my massage diagnosis and treatment skills in a fitness setting for two years and as a massage therapist in a private home clinic environment for five years.

Many of the clients who come to me for injury therapy complain of back and gluteal pain.

The gluteals attach at the top of the hips and are responsible mostly for lifting the femur or upper thigh up and outward, what we call abduction. These muscles are also used in conjunction with the hamstrings which flex the leg backwards at the knee and which extend the leg backwards at the hip.

For those of you reading this article with no or little anatomy background I will detail the attachments of the ilio-psoas.

Firstly the ilio-psoas is a combination of two muscles, the iliacus, and the psoas major.

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