Thigh High Boots With Stiletto, Platform and Wedge Heels

Thigh High Boots With Stiletto, Platform and Wedge HeelsStiletto Heel

Thigh High Boots are the sexiest footwear that any glam crazy women will want to wear. So it goes without saying that stilettos are the best combination for this footwear. Stiletto is a symbol of feminine power. Wearing boots with stilettos not only gives a walking-on-the-air feel, but also gives a seductive structure to your body by making unnatural curves.

But remember, if you are choosing stilettos, you should be either an expert in walking stilettos or you are risking some bones on your feet to get practiced walking in them. If you are not any one these two, then stiletto is not for you. Also if your foot is flat, it will be very painful to wear stilettos. The better option for this is to go for a platform boot with little toe-to-heel height difference.

Platform Heel

If you are a little short, then wearing a thigh high boot won't look too good for you without a raised platform. These boots increases your height apparently and will give you the most desired appearance. Unlike stilettos they don't cost much on your foot health yet give you a glam appeal. Some boots have a stiletto and a platform, the former for the heel part of the boot and the latter for the toe part. Imagine wearing an 8 inch stiletto without a platform to support your toes. Really unimaginable! This footwear makes your dream of standing on an eight inch heel an absolute reality, by providing your toes a good support.

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