Lateral Thigh Trainer - Not Exactly As Advertised

If you're interested in purchasing a Lateral Thigh Trainer to help you sculpt your thighs and butt, keep reading this article. I'll explain to you why you may not actually get the results you're looking for with a Lateral Thigh Trainer, and get you started in the right direction.

Lateral Thigh Trainer - Not Exactly As AdvertisedThe Lateral Thigh Trainer is a simple little device that focuses on a side-to-side, up-and-down movement, aiming to tone and reduce your problem areas on your lower body. There is little variation in the movement of the machine -- it moves in one continuous motion, never varying, keeping you locked into a fixed path.

Unfortunately, this machine advertises itself a bit deceptively. The advertisements are geared around the idea that this machine will target specifically your lower body's trouble spots and reduce their size. This is called "spot reduction" and is simply not possible, as much as advertisers like to claim it is.

Also, although the intention behind the machine is great, its movements are simply unnatural on the human body, and ignore the thousands of the lower body's stabilizer muscles, especially around the knees, forcing you into specific fixed motions and only working major muscle groups. This can lead to serious injury and incomplete body development.

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