Inner Thigh Exercises Redefined

Inner Thigh Exercises RedefinedWhen I did some research to look into articles to write for women, I noticed that 'inner thigh exercises' was something that a lot of women are looking for online. As a male personal trainer, I get this request from all my female clients, "Nitin, which are the best inner thigh exercises"?

The inner thigh muscles consist of the hip adductors, the ones that bring the hips closer to each other. For example, think of standing with a pillow wedged between your knees, and now try to squeeze the pillow with both knees. This inward movement of the knees towards each other is an action of the inner thigh muscles.

Improving the shape and tone in the inner thighs is an important part of exercise for most women. There are lots of exercises to shape this region, and I will outline the ones that are most effective. You do not need any expensive equipment of an exercise video.

An exercise mat and a pair of ankle weights (2-3 lbs) is enough for an effective inner thigh exercise routine at home. I have seen some amazing results with my clients with the simple exercises I have outlined below.

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